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We are start-up.coach

Your partner on the journey to your own business.

Are you wondering where to find active support and advice for your business start-up? Right here at start-up.coach! We are your first point of contact in Baden-Württemberg regarding your successful company foundation.

With start-up.coach by your side, you have a strong partner who will accompany you from the initial idea to the successful implementation of your business concept. We offer you a wide range of subsidized consulting services – from start-up advice to specialized support for founders with an immigration background. We are familiar with the regional specifics and networks in Baden-Württemberg that will help you succeed.

Not just a consultant
— a pool of experts!

start-up.coach is your reliable partner for business start-ups and other business projects.

Martin Waletzko (WEYOU Gmbh) and Frank Radynski — the initiators of this portal , have spent thousands of hours over the years supporting and accompanying founders with their projects. They are well-connected in the European start-up scene and maintain close contacts with financiers and banks.

This is also an excellent advantage for you as a founder. When needed, we draw on a broad network of professionals and specialists zfor your consultation. They help us find the best solution for you and your project. These can be experts in financial planning , or marketing – and sales concepts.We connect you with business contacts, partners, and service providers abroad who can play a crucial role in realizing your business idea.

Competent and independent.

Many founders quite rightly ask themselves: When is a consultant also a good consultant for company founders? You should pay particular attention to two aspects here:

  1. The consultant must have the necessary expertise and practical experience to really be able to advise founders well. This means that they must be able to get involved with you as a person, your style, your vision, and your passion.
  2. Your advisor should be independent.They must have your success as their goal – and not the sale of a fixed product of the company they are working for.


Consultants who work for start-up.coach meets these requirements. We have checked all consultants in our pool in advance for their competence – whether they can advise start-ups professionally and sustainably. In addition, they are obliged by start-up.coach always to provide your advice neutrally and with the most significant possible benefit for you as a customer.

Whether you have questions about financing, the business plan, or legal aspects – thanks to the concrete support of start-up.coach, you will find the right answers.

Our consultation takes place live in Stuttgart or online via video call – whatever suits you best. You can find out more under “Contact”.

And your consultation is
also sponsored.

Business start-up subsidies are worth their weight in gold – they offer invaluable start-up assistance on the path to self-employment. These include, for example, the AVGS voucher (more information here ») and the EXI-Plus program (more info here »).

In our consultation, we will happily show you how to make the most of the funding to get your start-up project off to the best possible start.

With start-up.coach starting your business will be easier and more secure.

Have we piqued your interest?

Let’s find out together how we can successfully realize your vision of your own business.

Now it’s your turn — start your own business!
start-up.coach is here to help you.

Get in touch, get advice, and get started!

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Facts & News

Förderung für Deinen Neustart — der AVGS-Gutschein

Dein eigenes Business — der beste Neustart aus der Arbeitslosigkeit … gefördertet durch den AVGS-Gutschein
Du bist arbeitssuchend und suchst nach einer neuen beruflichen Perspektive? Die Gründung des eigenen Unternehmens kann genau der Neustart sein, den Du suchst. Interessanterweise gaben 29% dieser Gründer an, vor ihrer Gründung arbeitslos gewesen zu sein.

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start-up.coach, deutsch, beratung,

Wir sind start-up.coach — Dein Partner auf dem Weg zum Erfolg.

Mit start-up.coach an Deiner Seite hast Du einen starken Partner, der Dich von der ersten Idee bis zur erfolgreichen Umsetzung Deiner Geschäftsidee begleitet. Ob Du Fragen zur Finanzierung, zum Businessplan oder zu rechtlichen Aspekten hast – dank der konkreten Unterstützung von start-up.coach, findest Du die richtigen Antworten.

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start-up.coach, avgs, termin buchen,

Wir sprechen auch…

Wir sprechen auch Englisch, Polnisch und Ukrainisch/Russisch. Aktuelle Statistiken zeigen, dass fast jeder 4 Mensch, der im Südwesten Deutschlands lebt, einen Migrationshintergrund hat. Das bedeutet auch, dass viele Menschen, deren Muttersprache nicht Deutsch ist, zusätzliche Herausforderungen auf Ihrem Weg zur Selbstständigkeit meistern müssen.

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